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Baikadent miętowy, płyn 300 ml

Baikadent mint

solution, cosmetics

Baikadent mint is a fluid for mouth hygiene. It contains a complex of flavones isolated from the root of Baikal skullcap of anti-inflammatory, regenerative, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. It is very effective in prophylaxis of paradontium diseases. The preparation does not contain alcohol or colorants. It was dermatologically and stomatologically tested.


The extract of Baikal skullcap demonstrates anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects as well as alleviating: irritations, abrasions and hypersensitivity of teeth necks.


Prophylaxis of gum, paradontium and mucous membranes’ diseases (bleeding, inflammatory states, paradontopathies, aphthae), decubitus ulcers caused by badly fitting dentures, reduction of plaque, protection of places difficult to reach with a toothbrush, liquidation of unpleasant smell.


Rinse your mouth after previously brushing teeth, 2 times a day (morning and evening) with non-diluted fluid (about 10 ml) for about 30 seconds. It is not recommended to take food or drink for 30 minutes following use of the fluid.


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