Yarrow is one of the most common domestic medicinal plants. It is hard to find a rubble or roadside ditch free of these plants with specific leaves, similar in shape to feathers, and white or pinkish inflorescences.
Its use in medicine may be the one of the longest documented history, thus distinguishing yarrow from other modern medicinal herbs. Latin name of yarrow, Achillea, proves it has been known from the time immemorial, but its history is even longer (it is assumed that yarrow has been known and used by Neanderthals). It is no wonder, haemostatics were, are and will be needed. Currently, physicians also willingly date back to yarrow, as many of its historical uses has stood the test of time. As centuries ago, yarrow is used as haemostatic in case of slight gastrointestinal and lung bleeding, in haemorrhoids and gynaecological diseases with discharge. Yarrow also eliminates contractions of smooth muscles of gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, increases the flow of bile into the duodenum and is carminative.
Thanks to these beneficial properties, Herbapol Wrocław decided to incorporate yarrow in two of manufactured preparations: Amarosal syrup and Hemorol suppositories.