Book of herbs

White mulberry

Morus alba L.

White mulberry, which is a small deciduous tree, belonging to the genus mulberry, occurring practically all over the world. It comes from China, where it has been cultivated for centuries. The first mention of the health promoting use of this plant appeared already in 659 A.D. Its leaves provide food for caterpillars of mulberry silkworm, bred for the purpose of obtaining silk. Traditionally, juices from leaves, roots or mulberry tree fruit were drunk since they were supposed to help in many different indications. Currently, mulberry is attributed the properties that help maintain carbohydrate balance.


V.Kumar, S. Chauhan,   Mulberry: Life enhancer. J Med Plant Res . 2008; 2(10), p. 271-278
P. Ody, Wielki Zielnik Medyczny, Debit, Bielsko-Biała, 1993, p. 80
White Mulberry,,  access 10.07.2017

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