Our products


tablets, OTC drug

The tablets of Hemorigen® are herbal medical product applied traditionally, whose efficiency is based exclusively on long period of application and experience.

Indications for application
The drug is traditionally applied for supportive treatment of small contusions and ecchymoses (bruises) resulting from mild injuries.

How to apply Hemorigen®

Adults: orally – 1-2 tablet 3 times a day, no longer than 3-4 days.

In case of taking higher than recommended dose of Hemorigen®
So far, no cases of overdose in humans have been described.

In case of skipping the dose of Hemorigen®
Do not apply a double dose in order to supplement the omitted one.


Before you apply Hemorigen®

Because of the unknown mechanism of Hemorigen® activity, it is not recommended to administer it to patients with thrombosis and individuals with venous thrombosis.
Individuals with varicose veins, hemorrhoids and chronic venous insufficiency can use the drug exclusively after consultation with a physician.

Do not apply Hemorigen® in case of hypersensitivity to any of the drug’s components.

Application of Hemorigen® in children
No clinical data concerning application safety in children and for this reason it is not recommended to administer the drug to children.

Application of Hemorigen® during pregnancy and breast feeding
Because of lack of data concerning application safety in pregnant and breast feeding women it is not recommended to administer the drug during this period.

Driving of vehicles and operation of moving mechanisms
Influence of the drug of Hemorigen® on the ability to drive and operate moving mechanisms has not been studied.

Use of other drugs
So far, no interactions with other drugs have been described.
Inform the doctor about all the recently applied drugs, even those sold over the counter and without prescription.



Possible undesired effects

So far, no undesired effects have been observed.

Storage of Hemorigen®

Store the tablets of Hemorigen® at the temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Store out of reach and sight of children.
Do not use the drug after expiry date stated on the package.


Active substance:
Erigeroni canadensis herbae extractum spissum – 50 mg
DER 30-40:1, extractant 96 % v/v ethanol

Auxiliary substances:
saccharose, potato starch, talc, magnesium stearate.

Packaging: 30 tablets

See also

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