Herbal teas

Oczyszczająca Moc Fix

Oczyszczająca Moc fix

Type: dietary supplement, herbal

Purifying herbal tea Oczyszczająca Moc is a composition of herbs, which includes nettle leaf, field horsetail herb and blackcurrant leaf, which support the secretion function of the kidneys and the fruit of fennel, supporting the purification of the body.

Recommended daily consumption

Drink infusion of 1 sachet 3 times a day.

Do not exceed the recommended daily serving. The product is intended for adults.
Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.
Maintaining good health requires balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
Do not use the product in case of hypersensitivity to any of its components.
The product should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Storage conditions:
Store in a dry and well-ventilated place. Keep out of the reach of young children.


The product contains only natural ingredients (dried, cut):

  • nettle leaf 35%,
  • field horsetail herb 30%,
  • blackcurrant leaf 15%,
  • fennel fruit 10%,
  • lemon grass herb 10%

Package content: 24 sachets á 2 g


Pour a glass of boiling water over the sachet and infuse, covered, for about 5 minutes.


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