Natural treatment

Drugs of “Herbapol Wrocław” SA

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They stand out among the preparations available on the market with regard to efficiency and especially high quality. They are cheap and sold without prescription.

I have no doubts whatsoever, that they should constitute basis of each home medicine cabinet. Mainly, because they are manufactured basing on the old, reliable formulas, updated according to the most recent scientific research. The preparations of “Herbapol Wrocław” S.A. help to treat, among others, typical female complaints related to PMS or diseases of genitals. Besides, it is worth to use herbs not only when we are already ill. They help in everyday hygiene, e.g. they prevent dangerous inflammatory states of reproductive organs. It is also hard to overestimate their role in treatment of chronic complaints such as: constipations, hemorrhoids, diarrheas, varicose veins.
We should reach for herbal preparations helping to care for tired feet, to soften skin, to heal small epidermal abrasions and chafed areas.

I always readily recommend the products of “Herbapol Wrocław” S.A. to my patients.

Eliza Lamer-Zarawska, M.D., Professor

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