Natural treatment

Effective and cheap herbs

More and more physicians and patients reach for herbal preparations. They are manufactured from the components that have been used for ages in popular medicine. However, modern preparations can be dosed really precisely.

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Herbal medicines prevent diseases and fight them just as effectively as synthetic ones. They only have to be applied quickly and in a proper way. They should constitute a basis of each home medicine cabinet.

According to European standards

Good herbal preparations must be purified of contaminants and contain active substances that determine treatment efficiency. For this reason, representatives of many scientific disciplines participate in research work for each new drug.
During my everyday work at the pharmacy I often recommend drugs of natural origin to patients because of their multidirectional action, lack of undesired effects as well as the possibility of long term application and because they are exceptionally user-friendly.
It should be stressed here, that in the light of new regulations, all pharmaceuticals available in Poland must be produced according to European standards. Herbal drugs of “Herbapol Wrocław” S.A. fulfill these requirements. Modern technologies result in the highest quality of the products offered to patients.

Halina Krutul, M.Sc.Pharm., Ph.D, senior researcher of the Medical University in Wrocław

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