tablets, OTC drugCynarex® is a traditionally applied medical product, whose efficiency in case of the mentioned indications is based exclusively on long term use and experience.
Indications for application
The drug is traditionally applied in indigestion and decreased bile secretion. As an auxiliary agent in hypercholesterolemia in order to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride blood serum levels (prophylaxis of atheromatosis) and traditionally as a protective agent in case of individuals exposed to the influence of toxic substances excreted with bile (carbon disulfide, among others).
How to apply Cynarex®
Orally, adults and youngsters over 14 years of age: in case of indigestion 2 tablets as a single dose, as a supportive agent in hypercholesterolemia or protectively in the individuals exposed to toxic substances excreted with bile (carbon disulfide, among others) 2 tablets 3 times a day. In case of hypercholesterolemia and as a protective agent Cynarex® requires systematic application.
In case of taking higher than recommended dose of Cynarex®
Consult a physician or a pharmacist in case of taking higher than recommended dose of the drug.
In case of skipping the drug dose
Do not apply a double dose in order to supplement the omitted one.
Before you apply Cynarex®
Do not apply the drug in case of allergy to artichokes or other plants of Asteraceae (Compositae) family and obstruction of biliary ducts.
In case of diagnosed cholecystolithiasis, the preparation can be applied only after consultation with a physician.
Individuals with previously confirmed intolerance of some sugars should consult a physician before taking the drug.
If the symptoms intensify, consult a physician.
Application of Cynarex® in children
Do not administer the drug to children younger than 14 years of age.
Pregnancy and breast feeding
No controlled clinical trials have been conducted in pregnant and breast feeding women.
Consult a physician before taking the drug.
Driving of vehicles and operation of moving mechanisms
No influence on the individuals driving vehicles and operating moving mechanisms has been found.
Possible undesired effects
Contact allergy in the individuals allergic to artichokes or other plants of aster (Asteraceae = Compositae) family. Mild symptoms concerning alimentary system may occur in rare cases. No undesired effects have been observed apart for these in case of application of the recommended doses.
In case of other undesired effects, not mentioned here, inform your physician about them.
Storage of Cynarex®
The drug should be stored at the temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Store out of reach and sight of children.
Do not use the drug after expiry period.
1 tablet contains:
Active substance:
Dry extract of artichoke herb (Cynarae herbae extractum siccum 3-5:1) – 250 mg
(extractant: ethanol 50% v/v)
Auxiliary substances:
Microcrystalline cellulose with addition of colloidal silicon dioxide, krospowidon, magnesium stearate, talc
1 tablet contains not less than 4.5 mg of polyphenolic acids converted into caffeic acid.
Packaging contains: 30 tablets.