Our products

Laxol ®

suppositories, OTC drug

Sodium docusinate is a surface-active compound (anionic detergent), reducing surface tension and facilitating water and fat penetration into fecal masses remaining inside the large intestine. It does not stimulate peristalsis but only facilitates bowel movement through stool volume increase and consistence change. The drug is applied in order to make defecation easier and reduce painful bowel movement.

Indications for application
Short term application in case of constipations.



How to apply Laxol

Adults and children over 12 years of age, 1 suppository 2 times a day rectally.
Cut the foil vertically over the suppository tip and tear energetically in order to get it out of packaging.

In case of taking higher than recommended dose of Laxol
Undesired effects may occur. In case of alarming symptoms, discontinue application of the drug and consult a physician.


Before you apply Laxol

Do not apply Laxol® in case of inflammatory diseases of the large intestine, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, ileus, stomach aches of unclear etiology, hypersensitivity to the preparation components.

Do not apply Laxol for a long period of time. Long term use may cause colon atonia and hypokaliemia.

It is not recommended to use Laxol® suppositories during pregnancy because of lack of data concerning safety of the preparation application during this period.

Breast feeding
The preparation penetrates into mother’s milk and may have laxative effects in breast-fed infants.

Driving of vehicles and operation of moving mechanisms
No influence on the individuals driving vehicles and operating moving mechanisms has been found.

Use of other drugs
Do not apply Laxol® with paraffin oil because the preparation increases absorption of mineral oils and other drugs.


Possible undesired effects

Pain and burning of rectum or colon, diarrhea, sporadically edema of colon mucosa and rectal bleeding.

Storage of Laxol®

The drug should be stored at the temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Store out of reach and sight of children.
Do not use the drug after expiry period stated on the package.



  • 1 suppository contains 100 mg of sodium docusinate and neutral fat.

Packaging: 12 suppositories.



See also

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