Natural treatment

Healthy and good looking legs in summer

They have to cover about 185 thousand kilometers during our lifetime, which corresponds to four and half circumferences of the Earth. Even delicate legs will stand this, providing that you take proper care of them.

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Swelling and sensation of heaviness of legs – these problems associate with warm days for over eight million of women. You can prevent them.

Take frequent walks, jog and dance. Do not avoid climbing stairs or swimming because leg muscles work then. Thanks to their effort, venous blood can easier overcome gravitation and move upward to heart and lungs to oxygenate and flow back through arterial system to legs.

Movements that stimulate tarsal joint are the best. Simple exercises of moving your foot up and down results in pain reduction – for example, in case of already existing varicose veins – and constitutes the best prophylactic exercise, protecting legs against venostasis.

On vacations

Individuals suffering from varicose veins should swim as often as possible. Horizontal body position and water pressure accelerate blood flow. Coolness of water is also important – it shrinks blood vessels, which work more effectively then.

While relaxing on the sea or lake do your best to take this opportunity for water exercises. They are twice as effective as ordinary gymnastics. We also recommend callanetics. When your calves are swollen, lay down for at least half an hour with your legs raised above your chest level.
Problems with feet

Cracked epidermis of the soles is a frequent problem of individuals with sensitive, dry skin. This complaint is especially irritating in summer, when we don’t wear pantyhose and socks and our feet are more exposed to abrasions. Thickened spots are prone to cracking then and become painful. You should visit a good chiropodist, who can remove corns with special tools during one treatment. After having this done, you must remember about everyday careful moisturizing of skin of your feet with medicinal ointment and these problems will certainly never come back.

Venescin dragée tablets

The drug contains three recognized components of anti-edematous properties and sealing blood vessels: rutoside, escin and eskulin. The preparation is recommended for alleviation of chronic venous insufficiency symptoms – edemas and sensation of heaviness in legs.
more information about the preparation

Venescin gel
Venescin gel is applied in initial stages of chronic venous insufficiency (manifested with pains, sensation of heaviness in legs and their edemas as well as calf cramps) and in case of post-traumatic symptoms (edemas, hematomas). Use Venescin gel systematically twice a day – in the morning and in the evening, rubbing it gently into skin.
more information about the preparation

If the skin of your soles or hands is keratinized and cracks have appeared, use Dernilan. The preparation has anti-inflammatory effects, accelerates healing of skin and, what is most important – effectively facilitates removal of keratinized epidermis. The drug contains four active components:

Allantoin stimulates cellular growth and processes of differentiation and regeneration. It acts styptically and anti-inflammatorily. It accelerates granulation tissue growth and epidermis restoration. Demonstrates long lasting keratoplastic effects in the form of epidermis softening and smoothing of skin surface.

Nicotinamide plays an important role in maintenance of proper skin condition, improves skin blood supply and is indispensable for correct epidermis cornification.

Salicylic acid applied to keratinized epidermis causes softening of keratin, its maceration and exfoliation. Keratoplastic effect, preceded by loosening of intercellular bonds, normalizes epidermis cornification in the area of its application. Unnecessary layers of keratinized epidermis cells are removed in this way.

Camphor applied externally contracts dilated capillary blood vessels and dilates contracted skin blood vessels. Demonstrates warming and irritating effects. It acts as a bactericidal agent and results in subjective pain reduction as well as skin blood congestion. Application: Initially rub the ointment into feet or hands three or four times a day. Keratinized epidermis should be removed every few days. Use the ointment once or twice a day on healing of wounds.
more information about the preparation

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