oral drops, OTC drugKelicardina® is a composition from herbs (leaves) of lily of the valley and hawthorn inflorescence as well as troxerutin, traditionally used during initial stages of cardiac insufficiency, not requiring application of other drugs and without symptoms of circulatory stasis as well as in case of cardiac muscle asthenia in elderly individuals.
The product is intended for traditional use and its efficiency in the above mentioned indications is based exclusively on long term use and experience.
How to apply Kelicardina®
Adults: 20 drops (about 1 ml) 3 times a day.
It is recommended to take the preparation between meals.
In case of doubts, contact a physician.
In case of taking higher than recommended dose of Kelicardina®
Symptoms of cardiac glycosides’ and alcohol overdose may appear. In this case, immediately contact a physician.
So far, no cases of Kelicardina® overdose have been reported. Literature data concerning acute poisoning after overdose of lily of the valley preparations indicate that the main symptoms include: arrhythmia, complaints regarding alimentary tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) and central nervous system (headaches, sleepiness, vision disorders).
Before you apply Kelicardina®
Do not use Kelicardina®
In case of hypersensitivity to the preparation components, endocarditis, coronary atheromatosis, myocardial infarction, heart block, while taking sulfonamides and in case of potassium deficiency conditions.
Special warnings and recommended precautions
The drug contains 63% v/v of ethanol on the average, which is up to 542 mg per dose.
It is not recommended to apply the product in patients with liver diseases, epilepsy and suffering from alcoholism.
Immediately consult a physician in case of symptom intensification or edemas caused by cardiac insufficiency.
Application of Kelicardina in children
The drug is not intended for application in children.
Pregnancy and breast feeding
It is not recommended to apply the drug to women during pregnancy and breast feeding because of lack of controlled clinical trials in this group of patients.
Driving of vehicles and operation of moving mechanisms
1 ml of Kelicardina® contains up to 542 mg of ethanol, which corresponds to 13.4 ml of beer or 5.6 ml of wine per dose.
Alcohol contained by the drug may impair the ability to drive vehicles and operate moving mechanisms within half an hour from taking the product.
It is not recommended for drivers to take the drug directly before journey.
Use of other drugs
Do not use simultaneously with other drugs containing cardiac glycosides and beta-blockers. In case of simultaneous administration of quinidine, calcium salts, saluretics, laxatives and during long term therapy with glucocorticosteroids, intensification of the product effects may occur as well as its undesired effects. Inform the doctor about all the recently applied drugs, even those sold over the counter and without prescription.
Possible undesired effects
As every drug, Kelicardina® may cause undesired effects.
These include sporadic nausea, arrhythmia, headaches, hives. If they appear, immediately consult a physician.
In case of other undesired effects, not mentioned here, inform your physician about them.
Storage of Kelicardina®
The drug should be stored at the temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Store out of reach and sight of children.
Do not use the drug after expiry period.
100 g of drops contain:
Active substances
Convallariae extractum fluidum (1:1) 50.0 g
extractant: ethanol 70% V/V
Crataegi folii cum flore extractum fluidum (1:1) 42.0 g
extractant: ethanol 70% V/V
Troxerutinum 0.5 g
Auxiliary substances
Ethanol 96% 7.5 g
1 ml (= 0.940 g) of the drops contains 0.47 g of fluid extract of lily of the valley herb (leaves) (which is equivalent to 2.5 p.u. up to 4.2 p.u. of cardiac glycosides), 0.40 g of fluid extract of hawthorn inflorescence and 4.7 mg of troxerutin.
The medical product contains 63% V/V of ethanol on the average, which is up to 542 mg per dose.
Packaging: 1 bottle à 40 g