Herbal teas

Herbatka BIO Spokojny Maluch

‘Peaceful baby’ bio-tea

Type: fruit-herbal,

The ‘Peaceful baby’ bio-tea has been created for children age 3 years and older. The tea ingredients influence peaceful behaviour and healthy sleep. The lemon balm leaf supports the good mood. The camomile flower helps being relaxed. The passion herb and lime-blossom support healthy and sound sleeping and a good night’s rest.

All the ingredients of the tea are of the Bio-quality confirmed with a certificate and do not include aromas!
The tea contains naturally appearing sugars.

A recommended daily consumption portion:
Drink three times a day 1 cup of the brew.

Storage conditions:
Store in a dry and well ventilated place. The recommended daily consumption portion should not be exceeded.


(dried, sliced):

  • bio lemon balm leaf – 25%
  • bio apple fruit – 25%
  • bio linden flower – 20%
  • bio chamomile flower – 15%
  • bio passion flower herb – 15%

Package includes 20 sachets of  2g each one.


Put one teabag into a cup, fill in with boiling water and cover, let it brew for ab. 5 minutes

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