Book of herbs

Mint (leaf)

Mint is now the most widely used medical herb. Its virtue has been recognized 3,500 years ago and since then range of mint applications extended. It must be remembered that peppermint used at present as a medicine has only just been known since 17th century. It has been created in England and spread at once in other European countries. Today you can find wild mint growing near waterways. It is easy to recognize it by a specific arrangement of flowers in an inflorescence, but what is the most telling is its well-known scent.

Leaves and oil derived from them are mainly used for medical purposes. The oil is one of the ingredients of Raphacholin C manufactured by Herbapol Wrocław.  Mint has extremely multilateral action: it stimulates appetite and digestion, is antispasmodic and carminative, increases a secretion of gastric juice and bile. Moreover, mint facilitates the bile flow in the ducts, soothes and relieves pain, kills bacteria, even those antibiotic-resistant, has anti-inflammatory properties and – in addition – slightly lowers blood pressure. As an additional advantage, mint can be used without any restrictions. Beside this, another phenomenon of mint is its inimitable composition – despite known chemical composition of mint oil and powerful analytical abilities. Indeed, this herb is irreplaceable!

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